Relationships Matter


Our team walking together

Emotion-inspired investment decisions can be more detrimental to a plan’s success than bear markets. That’s why we believe education is important. While we’re happy to have clients rely on our experience and knowledge, we believe it’s essential that they understand investment risks, market history, investor psychology, and our methods.

Often, we are most important to our clients when world events have inspired financial markets to new highs or lows. During times like these, anyone can be blinded by sharp market movements and lose sight of their financial goals. We help clients refocus, reminding them that long-term plans have little to do with short-term market performance.

Stay Calm and You May Improve Your Returns

“Advisors, as behavioral coaches, can act as emotional circuit breakers by circumventing clients’ tendencies to chase returns or run for cover in emotionally charged markets. In the process, advisors may save their clients from significant wealth destruction and also add percentage points—rather than basis points—of value.”*

*Kinniry, Francis M., CFA, Colleen M. Jaconetti, CPA, CFP, Michael A. DiJoseph, CFA, and Yan Zilbering. “Putting a Value on Your Value: Quantifying Vanguard Advisor’s Alpha.” (n.d.): n. pag. Jan. 2016. Web. July 2016.