Planning Matters

The eMoney planning process

A large bridge

Life is full of changes, both positive and negative. World events inspire euphoria and despair. Markets bounce up and down. In the midst of unpredictability, an investment plan can provide foundation and clarity.

An investment plan can help you track progress and feel confident about where you stand in relation to your financial goals. We employ the eMoney process to help our clients plan effectively and map a realistic financial course to the future.

eMoney is a life-planning tool that provides a structure for:


    Understanding our clients’ goals


    Planning investments around benchmarks that hold real meaning for our clients and their goals


    Identify and implement adaptable strategies to align with the plan


    Re-visit — or rethinking — the approach whenever necessary

Foundational and Advanced Planning – addressing your financial needs…

Foundational Planning addresses questions such as:

  • Can I fully fund my children’s college education?
  • Can I buy a vacation home? Am I prepared for market volatility?
  • Am I on track to reach my retirement goals?
  • How might home improvements costs affect my plan?

Advanced Planning addresses questions such as:

  • What is the impact to my plan to pay for a large expense with cash vs. financing?
  • How can I preserve my assets for my family?
  • Can you help me articulate my wishes for my estate?

Can you help me understand the tax outcomes of:

  • Exercising my stock options?
  • Giving to my favorite charity